Phil Moddle

Phil Moddle, M.Sc., P. Geo. Is an environmental scientist with 30 years of experience in the application of geoscience to environmental challenges. His technical experience includes the areas of water supply, landfills, groundwater quality assessment, and site assessment/clean-up of hundreds of properties ranging from small properties to large refineries and chemical plants.


As a consultant for 28 years, Phil learned to manage projects to be on time and on budget, stressing strong communication throughout. As an office manager for 11 years, Phil learned many skills related to facilitation, coaching, recruitment and performance evaluation.


There are many practitioners in the environmental site assessment field – there are few who are focused on clear articulation of customer goals and objectives. Phil’s passion is to help his clients have a clear focus on what they are trying to achieve, whether it’s for a project, an organization or an individual.


Phil Moddle

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